
مقاله Do central banks respond to exchange rate movements? A structural investigation+کد داینر

1,200,000 ریال


عنوان کامل مقاله: Do central banks respond to exchange rate movements? A structural investigation

نویسندگان: Lubik, Thomas A. and Schorfheide, Frank

چکیده مقاله:

We estimate a small-scale, structural general equilibrium model of a small open economy using Bayesian methods. Our main focus is the conduct of monetary policy in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the UK. We consider generic Taylor-type rules, where the monetary authority reacts in response to output, inflation, and exchange-rate movements. We perform posterior odds tests to investigate the hypothesis whether central banks do target exchange rates. The main result of this paper is that the central banks of Australia and New Zealand do not, whereas the Bank of Canada and the Bank of England do include the nominal exchange rate in its policy rule. This result is robust for various specification of the policy rule. We also find that terms-of-trade movements do not contribute significantly to domestic business cycles.

JEL classification: C32, E52, F41

Keywords: Small open economy models, Monetary policy rules, Exchange rates, Structural estimation, Bayesian analysis

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